niki lee style commander

Meet Your
Style Commander Style Commander

The love of fashion started for me when I was 7. I got my first Barbie and a couple of outfits and I was hooked.

It’s Time To Get Stylish! Stylish!

Do you:

  • have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear?
  • have limited choices to wear because you hate to shop?
  • wish you could look like a million bucks on a $500 budget?
  • want a look that will make the X’s swoon over their loss’-just need a quick decision on which one you should buy or which one looks best on you and why?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you need the STYLECOMMANDER.

Eye Candy Eye Candy

Monologues of a Shoe Wh*re Shoe Wh*re

It’s more than a pair of shoes. It’s a way of life.

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